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High Holiday Schedule

All are welcome!

Visitors and guests are asked to register in advance, donations appreciated if so moved. 
All services on Zoom and In-Person except as noted.

Rosh HaShanah and Shabbat

Wednesday, October 2nd
Erev Rosh Hashanah Services 6:00pm

Thursday, October 3rd
1st Day Rosh HaShanah Services 9:00am
Sababa Shannah (Children's Services) 11:00am - in-person.

Sababa Shana
Tashlich after services approx 1pm - in-person

Friday, October 4th
2nd Day Rosh HaShanah Services 9:00am
Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:00pm

Saturday, October 5th
Shabbat Morning Services 9:30pm

Sunday, October 6th
Kever Avot at Agudat Achim Cemetery on Rollstone Road

Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11th
Kol Nidre Services 5:30pm

Saturday, October 12th
Yom Kippur Morning Services 9:00am
     Yizkor at or after 11:30am
Sababa Shannah (Children's Services) 11am

Mincha and Neilah 4:45pm
Shofar Blowing 6:51pm

The festival season continues
Sukkot - October 17th - 23rd
Shmini Atzeret with Yizkor - October 24th 9:30am
Simchat Torah Celebration - October 24th 6:00pm

Simchat Torah Celebration


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785