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Dinner for Simchat Torah 5785/2024

Simchat Torah 5785

Thursday, October 24, 2024
5:00 PM
Can't imagine getting dinner on the table and making it to Simchat Torah services, to dance and celebrate. 
We are here to help. 
Join us for some carb loading (pasta dinner with non-carb and gluten free options), before the festivities.

Our informal buffet dinner will begin at 5:00pm in the social hall and the buffet will remain open until around 5:45ish. 

Services with Klezmer music, Israeli dancing and Torah celebrations will begin at 6:00pm. 
Festive refreshments and treats following services.
Please include adults and all children who will be eating dinner.
Please consider adding a donation, helping us continue to offer programming like this for our entire community.
Your reservation will not be submitted until you complete Payment or Bill to Account options on the next page.
Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785